Mülimatt Center MODEL

Cornell AAP

spring 2018

In this case study, structure and form, form and structure inform one another intimately. Additionally, the modular nature of the structure will be showcased, whereby multiples of the same building module are agglomerated. In this instance, modularity enables the construction of a structural system which would otherwise require complex and expansive in situ casting and tensioning infrastructure.


In constructing this model our group is primarily interested in showcasing the building’s structural system. In this case, the structural system and the cladding/space enclosing system of the building are one and the same i.e., the performative demands of structure inform the form of the modular building system, and the modules of the building system which are in and of themselves spatial and geometrically interesting enable the high performance of the structure they assemble into. Since we are primarily concerned with displaying and learning about the structural system of this building, we chose to omit details which are of a primarily architectonic nature e.g., interior slabs, vertical divisions, treatments and fittings, and glazing. Because the relationship between form and structure is so near in this example, details of a purely architectural nature will be omitted so as not to detract from the building system itself.


The scale of our model is limited on the upper end by expense of materials, and the generalised restrictions in size to approximately 0.5 x 0.5m. On the lower end, our scale is limited to that where the dimensions of connection and other details are buildable and discernable given our skill, tools, accuracy of assembly, and availability of stock materials in the dimensions required. Upon examination of module details, a scale of approximately 1:60 seems appropriate. At this scale, for example, post-tensioning cables which pass through all modules have diameters of about 0.5mm, and the modules themselves have wall thicknesses of minimum thickness approximately 4.0mm.


Cables to Base-Cables will pass from the wall modules, through a 1 to 5mm thick layer of clear plexi, and disappear into the base/foundation.

Cable Housing-The tubing which passes through the cast modules and allows tensioning cables to span the structure will be modelled with approximately 1mm diameter brass tubing with an interior dimension sufficient to allow passage of a 0.5mm cable.

Module/base Connections-Wall modules might be seated on transparent footings in order to make the passage of cables in the foundation visible from above the base.

Module/module Connections-The precise nature of connection between modules (beyond flush connections which tubing and cables pass through) needs to be clarified by the architect/engineer (emails sent), but for the moment we plan to have elements meet at flush, polished faces.